In Akron, Ohio, raccoons exhibit notable seasonal behaviors. During spring, they actively forage for insects and berries, especially mothers with young kits. Summer focuses on maternal care, as kits learn survival skills in dens. In autumn, raccoons intensify their...
Homeowners need to know how to identify and repair squirrel damage effectively. Look for signs like chewed wood, insulation, or squirrel feces. Common areas affected include attics, siding, and roofs. First, assess the damage and secure entry points with materials...
Raccoon behavior and nesting habits in Summit County, Ohio, reflect their adaptability to urban and rural environments. They are primarily nocturnal, using their keen senses to forage for food. Raccoons prefer nesting in safe spots like tree cavities or human...
To keep raccoons away in Ohio, start by securing trash cans with tight-fitting, animal-proof lids. Remove food sources by feeding pets indoors and sealing compost bins. Close off entrances by sealing gaps in roofs, vents, and foundations. Use homemade repellents like...
To prevent squirrels from chewing wires in your attic, start by inspecting the area for signs of activity. Seal any gaps in the attic and around your home's exterior using steel mesh. Use deterrents like chemical repellents and ultrasonic devices to keep squirrels...
Squirrels often use your home's insulation for nesting because it offers warmth and comfort. They prefer materials like fiberglass, cellulose, and spray foam. By tearing apart insulation, they create cozy nests, which can damage the insulation's structure and...
Raccoons and squirrels are common attic pests, each with distinct characteristics. Raccoons are nocturnal, producing loud thumps and growls, while squirrels are diurnal, making scurrying sounds during the day. Raccoons typically create larger entry points and cause...
Nuisance raccoons in Ohio can leave several signs that they are around. Look for distinctive footprints that resemble tiny human hands, especially in gardens or near trash. Nocturnal noises, like scratching and scurrying, usually indicate they're trying to get...
Ohio raccoons are most active in attics during spring, summer, fall, and winter. In spring, they seek dark, safe spots to nest and care for their young. Summer brings increased foraging for food, often leading them into urban areas. As fall arrives, raccoons prepare...
In Ohio, squirrels adapt to winter by reducing their activity levels. They spend more time in their nests to conserve energy and stay warm. These animals store food by burying nuts and seeds in various locations, which they retrieve later when fresh food is scarce....